Update: Use Rider instead!!

I had a hell of a time getting intellisense and debugging to work for unity on the mac but eventually got it sorted!

For the time being (1/18/22) it looks like you need to install an older version of the C# extension (1.2.3) for intellisense to work. Luckily the Unity debugger seems to work just fine with the older version. Otherwise, the steps in this video will walk you through the process and the links to the right will get you to all the resources needed. When initially running the debugger, the Unity editor actually prompted me to ask if I wanted to allow attaching to the process — say Yes.

<aside> 🛠️ Follow the steps in this video: https://youtu.be/MawL2dQIZ7s


  1. Install .Net
  2. Install Mono (I used the non Visual Studio Channel)
  3. Install VScode
  4. Add the C# Extension (Version 1.2.3 works)
  5. (Optional) Add the Unity Debugger Extension
  6. Chose VSCode as the editor in Unity Preferences

Bonus material:

Unity Debug Reference

Hotkeys for VSCode (because we’re too junior for Emacs)

Something to explore in the future..